Theory of Value Creation
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1928-1936 Theory of Value Creation | ||||
Year |
Date |
Age |
Event |
1928 | June | 57 | Meets Sokei Mitani (1878-1932), principal of Mejiro Commercial School, who urges Makiguchi to commit to Nichiren Buddhism. After discussing Nichiren's treatise On Establishing the Correct Teaching for the Peace of the Land and other writings for some ten days, Makiguchi converts to Nichiren Buddhism. Later, Toda converts to Nichiren Buddhism at Makiguchi's urging. more>> | |
1929 | May 31 | 58 | Death of eldest son, Tamiki, of tuberculosis (aged 30). | |
Oct 24 | The New York stock market crashes, heralding the onset of the Great Depression. |
1930 | Feb | 59 | Toda suggests the name Soka (Value-Creating) Education for the book Makiguchi is planning to publish, after Makiguchi stresses that the purpose of his educational pedagogy is the creation of value. Makiguchi and Toda, c.1930 |
Spring | Publication of the pamphlet An Overview of the System of Value-Creating Pedagogy. more>> | |||
Nov 18 | Foundation of Soka Kyoiku Gakkai and publication of Volume I of Soka kyoikugaku taikei (The System of Value-Creating Pedagogy).
more>> Soka kyoikugaku taikei (The System of Value-Creating Pedagogy) |
Nov 20 | The educational magazine Kankyo (Environment) (publisher: Jogai Toda) carries a testimonial "In Support of Value-Creating Pedagogy" signed by 28 prominent individuals, including future prime minister Tsuyoshi Inukai (1855-1932). "In support of Value-Creating Pedagogy" signed by 28 prominent individuals. |
1931 | Mar 5 | 60 | Publication of Volume II of The System of Value-Creating Pedagogy. more>> | |
Apr 10 | Becomes principal of Azabu Shimpori Elementary School, and also its affiliated night school. more>> | |||
July | Visits the newly established Kankiryo Temple of the Nichiren Shoshu school, administered by Taiei Horigome (later High Priest Nichijun). more>> | |||
Sep 18 | Elements of the Kwantung Army blow up a railway line near Mukden, starting the Manchurian Incident. The Japanese invasion of Manchuria, 1936 |
1932 | Mar 1 | 61 | Manchukuo is established as a puppet state recognized only by Japan. | |
Mar 31 | Closure of Azabu Shimpori Elementary School; Makiguchi's long career as a teacher and principal comes to an end. more>> | |||
May 15 | Prime Minister Tsuyoshi Inokai is assassinated in failed coup attempt; incident marks effective end of democratic rule in Japan. | |||
July 15 | Publication of Volume III of The System of Value-Creating Pedagogy. more>> | |||
Oct 3 | Death of fourth daughter, Kimi (aged 13). | |||
1933 | Mar 27 | 62 | An imperial edict makes official Japan's withdrawal from the League of Nations. Hitler welcomed by Mussolini on his visit to Italy, January 1933 |
Apr 5 | Publication of the tenth edition of Research into Community Studies as the Integrating Focus of School Education with major revisions and additional material. | |||
1934 | June 20 | 63 | Publication of Volume IV of The System of Value-Creating Pedagogy. more>> | |
Autumn | Many young educators gather at meetings of Soka Kyoiku Gakkai. | |||
1935 | Spring | 64 | Meets with a group of young teachers from Nagano Prefecture who lost their jobs following a police crack-down on leftist educators. Lectures to them on the subject of the relative suitability of the Lotus Sutra and Marxism as vehicles for social reform. Several young educators join Soka Kyoiku Gakkai. | |
Soka Kyoiku Gakkai establishes a Research Division, headed by Makiguchi with Toda as managing director. more>> | ||||
Spring | Publication of the pamphlet An Outline of the System of Value-Creating Pedagogy. more>> | |||
Summer | Launch of Shinkyo (New Teachings), a periodical publication of the Soka Kyoiku Gakkai, with Toda as publisher. Shinkyo (New Teachings) |
1936 | Jan 19 | 65 | Attends the first study session on the "Essential Teachings of the Fuji School." more>> | |
May 28 | Attends emergency board meeting of Shinkyo, where a new editorial policy is discussed and it is decided to change the name to Kyoiku kaizo (Educational Reform). | |||
Aug 13-16 | Participates in the first Soka Kyoiku Gakkai Training Course at Taiseki-ji, the head temple of Nichiren Shoshu. |
Click here to see examples of textbooks from this period.