Articles & Commentaries
“Tsunesaburo Makiguchi: A Pioneer of Girls' Education in Japan,” by Masayuki Shiohara
Interview with Professor Larry Hickman, Professor of Philosophy at Southern Illinois University Cabondale, USA
Academic Papers
“Makiguchi Project in Action--Enhancing Education for Peace,” by Dilma de Melo Silva
“Value Creating Pedagogy and Japanese Education in the Modern Era,” by Kazunori Kumagai
“Tsunesaburo Makiguchi's Theory of the State,” by Koichi Miyata
“Nichiren Thought in Modern Japan,” by Hiroo Sato
Letters from Prison
October 23, 1943
December 17, 1943
October 13, 1944
Selected Translations
The Geography of Human Life
The System of Value-Creating Pedagogy
The Outline of the System of Value-Creating Pedagogy
Interrogation Report
Old Textbooks
The following are examples of how Japan's militarist and imperialist policies were expressed in state-sanctioned elementary school textbooks during the pre-1945 period.
Early 1900s – During the Sino-Japanese and Russo-Japanese wars
Colonial Era
Before World War II