December 17, 1943
Did you go see Mr. Ishida of the Heiwa Foods Company, or not? I believe you are working for that company. If so, how is it? I mention these things because I think they can make your life easier. Read my letters carefully and respond to my questions and requests promptly. Why don't you send the books in the house, like Akaho gishi, which I asked for? If you can't send them to me, reply clearly to that effect. When did Koguri and Ohara pay you a visit? Are Ohara and his wife reconciled, or not? It isn't that I am scolding you. Nor do I need elaborate explanations. Don't put needless energy into writing a response, but reply simply and naturally, without getting emotional. Your food rations, the way Yoko is playing. I want to know about any changes in these things. Those at the front feel the same way. I don't need any of the commonplace formalities in your letters. I want concrete facts. 1